Below are two shots of the underarm gusset: once before finishing the side seam, and once after. Surprisingly (well, it shouldn't be, since these really are all rectangles and squares, so the math shouldn't be hard to figure out) everything fit without having to really work at easing the seams together.
Here's the sleeve head, with the massive amount of fabric pleated up just like with the collar and cuffs. With the sleeves, only the top portion is pleated, leaving the sides and underarms flat so they're more comfortable (and easier to fit into the fitted sleeves of your jacket).
Finally, a close-up of the side seam. This is at the very bottom of the shirt, where the front and back split for a few inches. Eventually there will be another gusset sewn here for strength. This is a good view of the flat felled seam. Also, this is about the right colour of the linen. I haven't white balanced my camera, so in the pictures here it ranges from cream to white. It's really white.
I keep mentioning the stitches I'm using (fell, rolled hem, buttonhole stitches, hemstitch, basting stitch, back stitch). After I finish the shirt I'll make a post describing how to do each of those. I'd do it now, but I really want to finish this project first. :)